
  • Avantika Gaur recieving young scientists award

    Press release
    Title: Two students of Doon University received Young Scientist Awards
    In a remarkable feat of academic expertise, Doon University's research scholars, Avantika Gaur (School of Technology) has been honored with the prestigious Young Scientist Award at the 18th Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress (USSTC 2024) by Hon'ble Governor Uttarakhand. The esteemed event took place on February 8th-9th, 2024, celebrating excellence and innovation in the field of science and technology. The valedictory ceremony was organized on the occasion of National Science Day on Feb 28, 2024 at Vigyan Dham. Ms. Avantika Gaur, a research scholar at the Department of Computer Science under the mentorship of Dr. Preeti Mishra, demonstrated commendable skills and dedication in her research endeavors. She has contributed significantly as a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a cyber security research project funded by Data Security Council of India (DSCI). Her work reflects a profound understanding of adversarial machine learning, explainable artificial intelligence for developing the security solution in the virtualization environment. The Young Scientist Award not only recognizes the remarkable achievements of Avantika Gaur and Kavita Mishra but also underscores the commitment of Doon University to foster a culture of academic excellence and research innovation

  • News paper clipping News paper clipping

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  • book cover Order book on cloud security authored by Preeti Mishra
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  • news
  • ACSR students: Avantika Gaur Mohit Bhatt Saksham Badoni Arjun Singh. Presented the project on online Malware Scanner based on AI and Virtualization at Technology Mela, Organised by SCERT Dehradun
    Doon University

About Us

Welcome to ACSR

Our mission is to create highly specialized and capable individuals that can effectively solve real world problems by providing them a learning environment to promote the innovative, collaborative and interdisciplinary research. We provide a common research platform to students where they together learn, improve and apply their technical skills in designing and developing innovative research projects. Currently, it comprises of members pursuing UG/PG/PhD from Doon University Dehradun, working under the guidance of Dr. Preeti Mishra. It also comprises of alumni working in reputed firms and continuing their research. We are fostering a research environment to help people solve critical cyber security issues.

Research Platform and membership

ACSR provides a common research platform to students where they together learn, improve, and apply their technical skills in designing and developing innovative research projects. Currently, it comprises members pursuing UG/PG/PhD from Doon University Dehradun, working under the guidance of Dr. Preeti Mishra. It also comprises alumni working in reputed firms and continuing their research. ACSR has been informally started in 2021 with a few undergraduate students, and it has expanded over time to foster the research environment in India and help people in solving real-world cyber problems.

Engagements and Achievements

We have organized students’ skill development workshops such as Data Analytics workshops, sponsored by Honeywell, and Power BI workshop, sponsored by Marico, and various cyber security-related invited talks and guest lectures. We participated in the 2022 Fourteenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing, Noida Delhi, and the 2023 International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Computing and Applications (AICAPS), Kochi Kerala, and the 2023 Fourteenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing, Noida, Delhi, which are related to a multitude of fields.

Research and Specialization

We have done core research with publishing research articles in reputed publications like IEEE SCI Journal, Elsevier SCI Journals, and various reputed Int. Conferences held at Indian and Abroad Universities. Our specialization and main focus are on Adversarial machine learning, Online antivirus service development, Cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Machine learning (ML), cyber security, android application, android security, Hypervisor security, Docker security, etc. Over the last few years, our team has gained expertise in various programming languages like C, C++, Python, hypervisors like Xen, KVM, introspection tools like LibVMI, DRAKVUF, machine learning frameworks Jupyter, sensor-based applications, hacking tools, Hadoop, HIVE, OpenStack, AWS Cloud, and research paper writing tools such as Latex, Endnote, and Medley.

Achievements and Ongoing Projects

The consistent teamwork coupled with perseverance, proper guidance, and stimulating challenges have gained us numerous significant achievements. We have developed various projects such as “HyperGuard: on designing out-VM malware analysis approach to detect intrusions from hypervisor in cloud environment,” “CROPCARE: An Intelligent Real-Time Sustainable IoT System for Crop Disease Detection Using Mobile Vision,” “vServiceInspector: Introspection-assisted evolutionary bag-of-ngram approach to detect malware in cloud servers,” “A holistic survey on the use of emerging technologies to provision secure healthcare solutions,” “VNSecure: An explainable virtual network attack detection framework at VMM-Layer in virtualization environment,” “DeepHyperv: A deep neural network-based virtual memory analysis for malware detection at the hypervisor layer,” and “Advanced malware and their impact on virtualization: A case study on hybrid feature extraction using deep memory introspection,” etc. Currently, we are working on adversarial machine learning in malware detection and the concept drift in network intrusion detection.

Collaboration and Future Projects

We promote the collaboration of external Indian and foreign organizations to improve the quality of research and build a relationship with collaborating institutes and industries. Currently, we are collaborating in research with Advanced Cyber Security Research Center (ACSRC), The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia, and the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, University of Padua, Italy. An MoU has recently been initiated between the International Center for AI and Cyber Security Research and Innovations, Asia University Taiwan, and Doon University, Dehradun.

Join Our Team

We are looking forward to adding active and consistent students to our team. Those who would like to join the team may contact the team mentor.